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Indoor Skydiving: What To Expect

Indoor Skydiving

Skydive Perris Posted by: Skydive Perris 9 years ago

an instructor and student fly high in the tunnel at Skydive Perris

One of the (many) things that make Skydive Perris special is our onsite wind tunnel. We are the only Los Angeles area skydiving center that has one and it’s a true luxury for both skydivers and non-skydivers alike. The wind tunnel serves as an amazing tool for all skydivers wishing to improve their flying skills in a more controlled environment and in less time. New skydivers can gain confidence quickly by learning how their bodies respond to the rush of wind based on their body position and professional skydivers are able to fine tune their skills to compete against the best in the world. Indoor skydiving has literally changed the world of skydiving! 

For people who wish to feel what flying feels like, but don’t think they’re quite ready to jump from an airplane, the wind tunnel is the perfect flying simulator. What many people don’t realize is that different body positions will result in different flight characteristics. When skydiving or flying in the tunnel, it is possible to make different adjustments to one’s body position that allows for turning left or right and to go up and down. Once you figure out the different flight modes, you will feel the amazing thrill of flying and understand why this activity is so addictive.

How Does It Feel?

Being suspended by wind on a column of air is an unusual sensation, somewhere between flying and floating, but it’s not unsettling. With the help of your instructor, you’ll be able to accomplish a lot in a little bit of time. The sensation is very similar to a skydive just without the view, airplane and a 12,500 foot drop! Essentially, it’s a skydive in a controlled environment. 

It is noisy because of the high-speed airflow and for this reason you will be wearing ear plugs and a helmet. The adjustable airspeed is needed to keep you afloat and allow you to learn to fly on the column of air.

What Happens?

Indoor Skydiving Perris

Before your flight, your instructor will teach you a stable body position and a series of hand signals for communication before your indoor skydiving flight.

You will be provided with a special flight suit, helmet, goggles, tennis shoes, and earplugs. 

When it comes to getting into the tunnel, your instructor guides you in. You lean forward from the door until supported by the airflow.

At first you’ll feel like a fish out of water (or a human in a wind tunnel) because of the new, unfamiliar environment. You’ll start to gain confidence as you learn that extending your legs will drive you forward and retracting them will have you going backwards. Once your brain puts it altogether… it becomes an amazing experience.

A first time flyer package is two 1-minute flights. It doesn’t sound like much (and you can do more) but you’ll be surprised how two minutes in the wind tunnel will tire you out as you’ll discover you have muscles you didn’t know you had! 

How Do I Prepare?

You do not need to do anything special in preparation for indoor skydiving.

Just eat normally and do not consume any alcohol. Turn up in cool, comfortable clothing that will fit under a jumpsuit. Avoid collars and any loose items. You’ll be asked to remove jewelry, so plan to leave that at home. 

Can Anybody Do It?

Indoor skydiving is an inclusive sport – almost anyone can partake. A quick search online will showcase kids flying with amazing freedom at a very young age. Kids leagues are forming along with instructional camps for every skill level. Flying in a wind tunnel is not exclusively for skydivers or those that desire to become skydivers.
Please call ahead if you do have any health issues or disabilities to discuss your flight and needs with us.

An individual must be over three years of age and more than 36” tall to be an indoor skydiver.

Is It Worth The Money?

Absolutely! People continually return for more flying because it is such an incredible experience. The more time you spend flying, the better you get at it and that can be addictive. Like anything new, you’re out of your comfort zone and it takes a little time to adjust to the new feelings of balancing your body on this column of air. 

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