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Benefits of Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

First Time Skydiving

Skydive Perris Posted by: Skydive Perris 5 months ago

Why Get Out of Your Comfort Zone?

benefits of getting out of your comfort zone

We’ve all heard that growth happens outside your comfort zone, but sometimes that’s easier said than done. We believe that understanding why it’s important to come out of your comfort zone can help you push those boundaries and motivate you to challenge yourself to an enriched life! Read on to learn about the benefits of expanding your horizons and get some real-life tips on how you can achieve new heights. 

What are the Benefits of Doing Something Outside Your Comfort Zone?

Getting out of comfort-zone-territory comes with a myriad of benefits to your life – body, mind, and spirit. What are the benefits, you ask? Here are just a handful of the most impactful:

  • Self-confidence
    Your confidence in your ability to handle difficult or scary situations will increase with every challenge that you overcome. You’ll be able to look back on past conquests for reassurance, and pretty soon, the stuff that used to seem impossible will feel like a walk in the park!
  • Resilience
    Repeatedly handling difficult situations trains your brain to stay calm and lessens your stress response. In the same way that a boxer’s knuckles get more durable with experience or leather is made sturdy through conditioning, you’ll develop mental toughness every time you step outside your comfort zone and face new challenges.
  • #lifegoals
    Pushing your personal boundaries is directly related to setting and achieving goals. And goal-setting can easily become an entire mindset and lifestyle once you get rolling. Being open to stepping outside your comfort zone allows you to set your sights on experiences you might have never previously considered and greatly increases the chances of hitting the mark. Developing a habit of setting and achieving goals results in a more fulfilling and enjoyable life!
  • Improved mental health
    All of these benefits combine to boost your mood, self-image, and give you a general sense of well-being. If you’re feeling good about yourself, trying new things you enjoy, and accomplishing goals, how could you not have a better outlook on life? 
indoor skydiving perris

How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Intentionally doing something you thought you’d never do requires self-reflection. It’s all about your mindset! Here are eight steps you may find helpful to get you from thought to action.  

  1. Identify your comfort zone: Before you can step outside of it, you have to know where your boundaries are!
  2. Set a clear goal: Decide on a specific goal or activity that you would like to pursue that has clear parameters you can achieve.
  3. Start small: Begin by taking small steps towards your goal – you don’t have to go full send right out the gate! It’s almost always easier to set many smaller goals that eventually lead to the big finish line.
  4. Challenge your limiting beliefs: Identify any negative thoughts or beliefs that are holding you back from stepping out of your comfort zone and work to replace them with positive affirmations.
  5. Embrace discomfort: Instead of avoiding discomfort, try to embrace it as a positive sign that you are growing.
  6. Seek support: Reach out to friends, family, or a mentor who can be there for you when you need a little extra help.
  7. Celebrate accomplishments: Rewarding yourself for overcoming challenges, no matter how small, is crucial to staying motivated.
  8. Reflect, learn, repeat: Take some time to process how it felt to challenge yourself and use these insights to continue pushing yourself further.

Remember, stepping outside of your comfort zone is a journey, and there may be ups and downs. It’s okay to take it one step at a time – any progress is still progress! Be patient with yourself, and you’ll be smashing boundaries in no time. 

How Growth Happens Outside of Your Comfort Zone

Why does stepping outside your comfort zone promote learning? The inside of a comfort zone is familiar, incubating, and insular. While that might be an evolutionary advantage designed to protect us from stress and challenges that indicate possible danger, staying inside that bubble isn’t a great way to learn about the world and everything it has to offer. 

Stepping outside your comfort zone opens you up to new experiences, perspectives, and knowledge that may not have been accessible within the confines of familiarity. You might not have ever met that amazing yoga instructor, tried that decadent dessert, or gasped over those breathtaking views if you didn’t dare to rally against your comfort. 

It’s hard to learn new things when you’re only doing things you already know how to do or have experienced before. By challenging yourself and embracing discomfort, you can expand your skills, broaden your horizons, and become more adaptable. Stepping outside your comfort zone will only present you with new and exciting things that will continue to enhance your life! 

Skydiving: The Ultimate Way to Experience Growth

There are plenty of stepping-out-of-your-comfort-zone examples out there, but one in particular happens to be our favorite. Surprise! It’s skydiving.

In our humble opinion, skydiving happens to be the perfect activity for stepping outside your comfort zone, whether you’re new to the practice or a seasoned vet. Skydiving presents numerous opportunities for personal growth by being just scary enough while still focusing on safety culture.

First off, yes, you’re flying through the sky! But you’re also attached to a highly-experienced and expertly-trained instructor. Don’t get us wrong – you’re definitely going to be an active participant in your skydive. But you’ll have guidance the whole way, and your instructor will handle the really important stuff. 

Sometimes, it helps to dip your toe to test the water before jumping in. That’s why, at Skydive Perris, you also have the option to learn more about skydiving in the comfort of your home and at your own pace. We offer a comprehensive online skydiving course, the first step to your solo skydiving journey! 

Our beloved sport comes with physical and mental challenges, and skydiving is also a great way to meet new people and learn from different perspectives (literally AND figuratively). And just imagine how confident you’ll feel facing challenges after jumping out of an airplane! 

Life hack: Remember those baby steps? If you’re not quite ready for the real thing, take a spin in our indoor skydiving tunnel first! You can also choose to ramp up your day by getting our Adrenal-IN package: two flights in our wind tunnel followed by a real-deal skydive!   

Are you ready to feel the rush of everything life has to offer? Book your jump and take a step out of one of our airplanes today! Blue skies!

Related Article: How Safe is Tandem Skydiving

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