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People of Perris: Josh Colby

People Of Perris

Skydive Perris Posted by: Skydive Perris 8 years ago

Josh Colby wraps his arms around his friends while smiling.

When, where, why and how did you make your first skydive? 

September 9th, 2003, Denver Skydivers in Brush Colorado, my dad wanted me to stop riding dirt bikes and hurting myself all of the time so he took me skydiving. My first jump was a tandem with a guy named Jonny Guru out of a Casa. My tandem video is on a VHS.  

How did your first jump change your life? 

I didn’t realize that so much fun could be had in such a short amount of time. Within the next year, I moved out of Colorado to pursue a career in skydiving that has led me here, to Skydive Perris. 

What is it about Skydive Perris that makes you want to work and play here?

The facilities and fleet of aircraft here at Skydive Perris are some of the best in the world, not to mention the amazing organizers. Oh, and the people at the school are pretty awesome too, LOL.

Two skydivers jump in the air.

You’re an AFF instructor, videographer and canopy coach, what’s your favorite type of ‘work’ jump and why? 

This is a hard question to answer because I absolutely love everything I do. If I have to pick one it is being able to capture the look on a tandem students face as they first leave the aircraft! 

 You are one of the founders of ‘Elite Canopy Dynamics’, a new canopy coaching school based at Skydive Perris. Tell us about the kind of coaching your school offers? And who else offers coaching through this school?

We, at Elite Canopy Dynamics, offer all canopy coaching from B-license courses to advanced swooping. We also offer tandem and military courses as well. My partners are Dimitrije Dadic and Duane Hall.  

What advice do you have for newer jumpers who are eager to start downsizing and swooping?

My advice would be to take it slowly. There is no need to rush the downsizing process. Before deciding to downsize, you should be able to land your canopy in the same spot every time regardless of the wind condition. You should be capable of landing downwind, crosswind and into the wind, accurately.  Learn all DYNAMICS of your canopy before downsizing. 

When you’re not working what type of jumping do you like to do?

 I really enjoy angle tracking, but my all time favorite is a solo H&P so that I have the sky to myself, rip a 450-degree turn and drag my toes through a swoop pond! 

What’s your most memorable jump to date?

Josh Colby swoops across the pond under his blue and lime green canopy.

I did a demo into the Oceana Air Show. I was flying red smoke around the American Flag during the National Anthem. I got to do a swoop over the top of the parked Blue Angels and land center stage in front of 250,000 people. Yes, this is all one jump. 

Do you have a ‘dream jump’ you have yet to do?? 

I have always wanted to compete in the world swoop competition.  

What canopies do you jump and why? 

I fly a Valkery 79 loaded at 3.0:1.  The openings are amazing and it is a swooping machine. 

When you’re not at the DZ, how do you like to spend your time? 

I like to travel the world and scuba dive. Also, drink beer and watch football.  Go Broncos!

Tell us something that is little known about your yourself?

I have two dogs named after the TV show Game of Thrones. Arya and Tyrion. 

What are your future goals in skydiving?

My future goals are to get the Elite canopy schools ideas into the Skydive Information Manual (sim). Because we as instructors and skydivers do not put enough effort into perfecting canopy flight. 

Sum up Josh Colby in 5 words or less.

 I like to go fast!!!

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