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Explore the Flexibility of the Perris Skydiving Program First Jump Course

AFF/Learn to Skydive

Skydive Perris Posted by: Skydive Perris 10 months ago

Start your First Jump Course Online

learn to skydive online first jump course

Most dropzones have an Accelerated Free Fall (AFF) program for aspiring skydivers – all of which include a First Jump Course (FJC). But how many dropzones have a comprehensive educational program so robust that it warrants a unique name? Not many … 

The Perris Skydiving Program (PSP) features a thoughtfully developed curriculum designed to train well-rounded skydivers who are ready to tackle the skies with confidence. Our program goes above and beyond to offer in-depth teaching from highly-experienced instructors and extra coaching for a truly immersive course. 

If you’ve explored programs that teach you how to skydive, you know that the typical first step in the skydive licensing journey takes place on the ground. This is the FJC (First Jump Course), aka Ground School, and it usually lasts six to eight hours. After successfully completing this introductory portion of the curriculum, you head up to the sky to put some of that theory into practice. 
As we’ve mentioned, though, the Perris Skydiving Program is not your standard-issued AFF program. We kick things up several notches in order to:

  • Foster true understanding
  • Promote retention of best practices
  • Bolster competence
  • Instill confidence

Case in point, at Skydive Perris you can do a portion of our FJC online! This isn’t just nifty, it’s empowering. Instead of arriving on your first day of AFF as an empty vessel, you arrive at the DZ with some shared language that will aid in your progression and a real sense of what’s ahead.

By having time to absorb and review the curricular material before you arrive on site, you come prepared to learn. Read on to learn more about the PSP First Jump Course.

What is a First Jump Course (Skydiving Ground School)?

First things first: What’s covered in an AFF First Jump Course? Before you get into the air, knowing certain information is crucial to your safety and that of your fellow high flyers. The FJC covers a lot of foundational information. In other words: everything you need to know from the ground up … and back down to the ground again … is covered in the course. 

Actually learning all of this in six to eight hours is daunting, especially when you know you’ll be putting all of it to practical use once class adjourns!

This is why Skydive Perris introduced the option to complete a portion of your ground training online. Let’s get into what’s involved in Part 1 (Level 1 of 18 Levels!) of the Perris Skydiving Program.

Part 1: PSP Level 1 – Online & On-Site Training

PSP Level 1 consists of your online and on-site FJC and your first solo jump. Instead of cramming a ton of new information all in one day, you have time with it:

Skydiving Online Training, FJC

The online portion of the PSP FJC includes interactive simulations, eye-opening videos, and reassuring quizzes, all there to help build confidence in the information that’s necessary to have a successful first PSP jump. You’re able to familiarize yourself with skydiving equipment, body positions, emergency procedures, and the fundamentals of human flight before coming to the dropzone and diving even deeper with your instructor.
You have 30 days from your date of purchase of PSP Level 1 to complete the online FJC.

Skydiving On-Site Training, FJC & First Jump

The online curriculum acts as a prerequisite to all subsequent instructor-led training, both on the ground and in the air. You’ll arrive for your first hands-on skydiving lesson with a solid understanding of the baseline material, ready to learn more. At the end of your on-site FJC, which will last about 2 to 3 hours,  you’ll jump with two USPA-certified AFF instructors.

You have 30 days from the date of the online course conclusion to complete on-site training.

learn to skydive solo skydive perris psp program aff first jump

Benefits of an Online Skydiving First Jump Course

Everybody learns differently, and covering as many learning styles as possible equips students to be as successful as possible. The videos in the online First Jump Course allow visual and auditory learners the opportunity to take in information in the way they do best. The interactive scenarios in the course help kinesthetic learners go through the motions before they have a chance to do it for real in the air.

The online element of the course is also great for people who like to go at their own pace. It can be hard to pay attention during one long classroom session, or you can get a bit lost and fall behind.

An online course empowers you to move forward as you’re ready, take breaks when you need to, and repeat material without having to worry about holding up a larger class. (So, not only can you do the online portion in your pajamas, but you can also sleep on the info you learn before arriving at the dropzone feeling prepared for the next steps.) And if you’re not sure yet whether skydiving is for you, you can learn a lot about it without committing to jumping out of an airplane — all from the comfort of your own space!

Natural Progression

Our philosophy of building skydivers, not building students is a major reason why the Perris Skydiving Program stands above standard AFF programs. We understand that the student portion of your progression is both the most important foundation for your future and also only one small part of your lifelong skydiving adventure.

student skydiver solo skydiving

This is why we give you the opportunity to learn online in advance of hands-on training, and why we factor in time in our on-site wind tunnel as part of our program. And not just a quick flight either – 20 minutes of tunnel time!! That’s equivalent to 20 skydives!

Let’s take a quick look at the 17 Levels that follow the PSP First Jump Course, as well as the required solo jumps and packing class that are required to complete Part 2: A License Training.

PSP Levels 2-10

All tunnel flights and jumps accompanied by an AFF instructor; gear included.

  • Tunnel Training

20 minutes tunnel time (equivalent to 20 skydives); practice freefall maneuvers. 

  • Practical Training

Body awareness, turns, exits, docking, tracking, rolls, loops, stalls, flaring.

PSP Levels 11-16

Coach jumps supervised by an AFF instructor; gear included.

PSP Levels 17-18

Supervised Hop’n Pops; gear included.

Solo Jumps x 7

Optional free Phase II Coaching from Skydive Perris Load Organizers.

Packing Class

Learn how to pack your own parachute.

Why Choose Skydive Perris PSP Over a Traditional AFF Course

Want the Cliff’s Notes? You get a lot more value for money by investing in the Perris Skydiving Program:

Online Training PrepNot AvailableAvailable. for 30 days
On-Site, Indoor Skydiving TrainingNot Available20 minutes (=20 skydives)
Supervised Jumps by Certified AFF Instructor716

If you want to become a world-class skydiver, start your journey in a world-class student program! And if completing a portion of the FJC curriculum online isn’t for you – tell us! We’ll do the full course in person by request. We marry flexibility with expertise to provide the very best learning environment. Enroll in the Perris Skydiving Program today!

Related Article: Solo Skydiving Requirements Explained

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