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Mastering The Art of Gear Checks With Dan BC

AFF/Learn to Skydive

Skydive Perris Posted by: Skydive Perris 5 years ago

For licensed skydivers, our sport is the epitome of self-reliance.  The United States Parachute Association recognizes that part of taking responsibility for yourself is making sure your gear is ready to jump before you put it on.  Doing a good gear check is step one.  Make sure you have a process for consistently doing a gear check and do it before every jump.  On this video Skydive Perris General Manager Dan Brodsky-Chenfeld reviews why gear checks are so important and demonstrates his process.  DO TRY THIS AT HOME!!  It’s important to get proficient at doing your gear check.  The best way is to practice doing them while you’re at home.  “Learning” to do a gear check only when you’re ON a jump simply isn’t enough. Practice at home so by the time you’re getting ready to put your rig on, you’ll be great at doing a gear check!!

For a great read from Dan covering topics such as this and more check out his bookAbove All Else” by clicking here.

For a list of skydiving gear manufacturers and their recommendations you can also check out their homepages by clicking on any of the manufacturers links below.

SunPath Products
Rigging Innovations
United Parachute Technologies
Mirage Systems
Aerodyne Systems
Velocity Sports Equipment

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