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5 Ways Indoor Skydiving Will Prepare You For The Real Thing

Indoor Skydiving

Skydive Perris Posted by: Skydive Perris 6 years ago

Does the thought of boarding a plane in a tandem skydiving harness give the butterflies in your stomach an electric shock? Trust us — we get it. Fear of skydiving is one of the realest realities that potential jumpers face when they’re making their first tentative inquiries into the sport. If that’s you, we’d like to share one heck of a hack: the vertical “indoor skydiving” wind tunnel. This may come as a surprise to you, but the wind tunnel might be just the thing you need to inspire you to get those knees in the wide-open breeze.

The Tunnel Will Teach You What To Expect In Freefall.

Fear of skydiving and fear of the unknown are, as it turns out, exactly the same thing. Luckily, fear of the unknown dissolves once something is known, and the same thing is true of skydiving. Spending a little time in the tunnel will help your body and mind attenuate to the ever-so-novel noises and sensations of skydiving, so once you get out there it’ll be that much easier to cut loose and just enjoy yourself.

The Tunnel Will Teach You A Little About The Patience Required To Skydive Well.

Especially if you’re coming to the tunnel as a preamble to a sport skydiving career (and we do recommend tunnel time to anyone approaching their AFF program!), this benefit of tunnel flying can’t be overemphasized. It’s easy to watch YouTube videos and think skydiving looks easy, but a little time in the windytube will show you the kind of patience and mental fortitude skydiving exacts of its practitioners.

The Tunnel Will Introduce You To Your New Best Friends.

If you haven’t spent much time on the dropzone yet, you’re in for a treat. Here at Perris, our skydiving community moves freely between the tunnel and the DZ, so you’ll be getting a firsthand introduction to the big, beautiful, unique community that has found a home in airsports. If you come to spend time at the tunnel, there’s no way you won’t pick up enough of the procedures, equipment knowledge, lingo and etiquette to make a fine showing on your first day tasting freefall in the sky…and you’ll already have some friends to guide your way!

The Tunnel Is Knock-down, Drag-out Fun.

Flying in the “indoor skydiving” wind tunnel has come into its own as a sport, discipline and training ground of note. Once you’ve tried it, you’ll have no choice but to fall head-over-heels in love with this magical cross-pollination of skydiving, gymnastics, dance, martial arts and swimming. While many of these skills and body positions carry directly over into skydiving, the thing most people love about flying in the tunnel is the pure enjoyment the tunnel presents. We seriously doubt you’ll come away with a different opinion. We know you’ll come away with a smile — and you’ll come back again and again and again.

How about it? Want to prepare for skydiving in the best possible way? Book your time today!

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