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What is an AFF Skydiving Course?

Canopy Piloting

Skydive Perris Posted by: Skydive Perris 9 years ago

learn to skydive solo

AFF is the most popular skydiving course to learn to skydive. Each year, we welcome hundreds of budding skydivers to our skydiving school near Los Angeles. Here’s everything you need to know about AFF and whether it’s right for you.

Accelerated Freefall

The accelerated freefall (AFF) program is a specially designed 8 level program to fast track you to jumping solo!

AFF stands for Accelerated Freefall. It is the fastest way to experience solo freefall because it’s the only skydiving lesson option where you jump from max altitude from jump one. It’s the most popular option for skydivers who want to achieve their skydiving license near Los Angeles.

AFF Ground School

AFF starts with 4 – 6 hours of ground training. During this training, you’ll learn everything you need to know about skydiving, from how to fly your body in freefall to how your equipment functions and what to do if things don’t go as you expect.

During the day, you’ll complete various modules during which you’ll learn the very basics of jumping out of a plane through to ensuring you’re able to exit, fly, deploy your parachute and return to the ground safely.

Our 4-6 hour ground school includes 2 flights in the Indoor Skydiving Simulator located onsite here at Skydive Perris. No other West coast skydiving center can offer this onsite experience!

AFF levels of progression

There are 8 levels of the AFF course. During each level, you are required to demonstrate the skills of body flight and canopy control. You’ll be assessed on every level before you can progress to the next.

These levels are set by the governing body for parachuting, the USPA, and all students of the AFF method complete these levels before achieving qualified status.

For the first few jumps, you’ll be supported by two instructors who hold you in the air and assist you in your parachute deployment if necessary. As you progress, you’ll move on to just one instructor. Finally, you’ll complete a series of solo jumps where you are free to practice your skills on your own in freefall.

Is AFF right for me?

Accelerated freefall (AFF) is the most popular way to learn to skydive near Los Angeles. It’s the fastest way to experience solo freefall and to jump from maximum altitude from your very first jump.

Find out more about the requirements for our AFF skydiving course or get in touch if you have any questions!

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