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People Of Perris

Dan Brodsky-Chenfeld Posted by: Dan Brodsky-Chenfeld 9 years ago

Christy Frikken

Christy Frikken is a highly successful competitive 4-way skydiver and skydiving coach based out of Skydive Perris.

When, where, why and how did you make your first skydive?
Ranch 2001 tandem skydive.

How many total jumps do you have now?
About 12,500.

How many hours do you estimate to have flown in the wind tunnel?
Really difficult to even estimate since I was a tunnel instructor for a couple years. I’m not sure what would even count (standing in the door, assisting people in the wind, coaching, or just training).

What is it about Skydive Perris that makes you want to work, play and train here?
Perris for me has always represented the amazing possibilities. There are so many great people and resources here every crazy thing I dream of can be achieved.

How did you get into 4-way and what do you love about it?
I decided 4-way was going to be my career when I had a couple hundred jumps. I very carefully crafted a plan and kept my programming job for a bit. My first move was actually to Eloy but despite the awesome facilities I found it difficult to find a role at the dropzone with my experience level. Luckily I met Dan BC there who was just moving to Perris. He presented some awesome opportunities in CA so there I went.
I was a tunnel instructor for a couple years before co-founding Perris Fury. After Fury disbanded I joined SDC Rhythm XP and did some amazing 4-way across the US. There is quite a lot of neato stuff in the middle of those projects, but that is shortish version.

Who are your skydiving mentors?

Dan BC has been the biggest influence along with many former Airspeed members and my former teammates.

What canopies do you jump and why?

Katana 97. I am not a competitive swooper and I find these are the right amount of zippy for me.

What advice do you have for anyone who is looking to be part of a 4-way team?

Ask everybody about it! Even if you think you are not a good fit or they are not interested be aggressive about getting the word out. If you are persistent eventually you will find a group with compatible goals.

When you’re not at the drop zone or flying in the wind tunnel, how do you like to spend your spare time?

Running, tinkering with computers, playing video and board games.

What did you do prior to being a full-time skydiver?

I was a software engineer.

Tell us something that is little known about your yourself?

I am sometimes called Crispy Chicken.

What’s on the cards for Christy Frikken in 2016?

Lots of cool events and coaching at Perris! I have been traveling around training for the last few years and I am looking forward to being closer to home more often. It will give me a chance to do some cool formation skydiving events that I have been planning for a while.


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