Safety Day 2024
Event Details
March 15 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
(Yes, we are aware this is the 3rd Saturday of March instead of the traditional second)
In case you forgot, skydiving is a dangerous sport. Each year, Dropzones around the country take the time to remind their experienced jumpers of it. Rain or Shine, 30 jumps or 3000, we strongly encourage all of you to join us on Safety Day at Skydive Perris on March 15th.
8:30. The Big Picture on Safety
Skydiving equipment and training are safer than ever. But skydiving is more dangerous, and without even knowing it, skydivers are too complacent. Let’s talk about what really matters, how to advance in the sport, and how to expand to new disciplines. – by Dan Brodsky-Chenfeld
10:30. Gear review
Everything you need to know to make sure your gear is safe, well-maintained, and ready to jump when you put it on your back. -by Lauren Rorick
Noon. Aircraft E.P.s
Aircraft Emergency Procedures and actual practice jump (MUST ATTEND THE SEMINAR TO DO THE EMERGENCY EXIT JUMP). – by Boyd Willat