California Vertical State Record
Record Attempts
May 21 @ 8:00 am - May 25 @ 5:00 pm
We’ve waited long enough. It’s time for 100 ways in California!
Organizers: Matt Fry & Andy Malchiodi
Using the same methods and techniques that led to a successful sequential world record, we aim to set a new 100+ way California State Record.
There are no mandatory “tryouts.” Team selection will be conducted much like the VSWR. If we know and are familiar with you, please fill out the interest form to be considered. If we don’t know you very well, please include references and be sure to let us know how you would prepare yourself for the CA record (i.e., specific bigway events you might attend, VFS training, tunnel training, etc). For capable fliers who would like more opportunities to train for the CA Record and the next VWR, we are also organizing 40 ways and 60 ways at Perris during the winter. Details on those to follow in the coming months. Participation in those events is not required to be considered for the CA record.
Are you interested? Let us know by filling out this interest form