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Event Series Party In Perridise – Christmas Boogie

Party In Perridise – Christmas Boogie – in Support of the Skydiving Museum

Skydive Perris 2091 Goetz Rd., Perris, CA, United States

Come back closer to the event for more details Jump the Jet! Do a 100-Way! Party! Skyvan! Win a Free Jet Jump! P3 100-way club Dec 28-31 registration is open 🛩️🪂 Jet Jumps December 27-29 - REGISTRATION IS OPEN! ☝️😎🪂Licensed Skydivers Book here ✌️🤩😎🪂Tandem Jumps Book here ✈️🛩️🚌 ⭕️ Multi-Aircraft 10-Way Meet on SUNDAY December […]

P3 100-way Club

Skydive Perris 2091 Goetz Rd., Perris, CA, United States

LET'S GO BIG!! The Illinois State Record 250-way is on the calendar for August 2025 and the enthusiasm from jumpers around the world has been strong. Other massive jumps are also in the works. There are several awesome 40-way to 60-way events across Europe and the US. But 250 is 5 times that big, it's […]

Multi-Aircraft 10-Way Competition

Skydive Perris 2091 Goetz Rd., Perris, CA, United States

Three Speed-Stars: one out of the Otter, one out of the Skyvan, and the last one out of the Jet! Price per person: $265 – This covers your Otter+Skyvan+Jet jumps, 10% of the camera flyer’s slot, and a $10 donation to the Skydiving Museum. If you registered for the Jet Boogie and want to keep […]

Rumbleseat Meet

Skydive Perris 2091 Goetz Rd., Perris, CA, United States

Old-school-style 10-way speed event, the way it is supposed to be! There is nothing like 10-way... even the freeflyers love it! Imagine having your old team inside the plane, behind a line... Ready-Set-Go! RUN out as fast as you can to complete the 10-way formation within working time! Low cost, high fun! Five jumps plus […]

Perris Organizers Present Big Way Basics with Christy Frikken

Skydive Perris 2091 Goetz Rd., Perris, CA, United States

Big Way Basics with Christy Frikken Join the Perris Organizers and Christy Frikken to learn the basics of big ways! This is a welcoming event – if you can safely participate, we want you to join us for a fantastic day of learning. Our plan for the day is to start with smaller jumps and […]

P3 Sequential Camp

Skydive Perris 2091 Goetz Rd., Perris, CA, United States

Are you ready for something different? Do you like flying lots of different slots? Do you fancy the idea of being a part of sharp, clean sequential jumps and challenging unique formations? If you answered "yes" to these questions you don't want to miss this! You will have the chance to learn and practice the […]

P3 Winter Fling

Skydive Perris 2091 Goetz Rd., Perris, CA, United States

P3 Winter Fling Join us for four days of sequential invitationals -a Mini Spring Fling- which was so popular and incredibly fun the last couple of years. Participants of the preceding TBS Camp are encouraged to apply, but be aware that this invitational event will be a higher skill level than the camp, and applying […]

P3 100-way Camp

Skydive Perris 2091 Goetz Rd., Perris, CA, United States

The 100-Way Training Camp is the perfect follow-up to the Big Way Camp. We usually have between 60 and 100 people. Regardless of the number, all the jumps are designed to be like 100-ways with long formations requiring several waves. If you've done a lot of 100-way+ events, this camp is a great chance for […]

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