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Why Kids LOVE Indoor Skydiving

Indoor Skydiving

Skydive Perris Posted by: Skydive Perris 7 years ago

Who remembers wanting to fly? Maybe the desire was inspired by watching Peter Pan or Superman glide across the sky or maybe it originated in your dreams on the silver screen of your eyelids as you watched yourself lifted far above buildings and soaring. Really, it seems like the desire for flight is almost archetypal. It is a dream recurrent in nearly every generation, and we bet, just like you, your child has imagined taking flight. Realistically, though, how can that aspiration come to fruition? One of the best ways to help make this dream a reality is to take your kids indoor skydiving to experience the delight of flying. We bet they will fall in love with it (and you just might too). Here are five reasons why kids LOVE indoor skydiving.

1. Creates Confidence

Now, trying anything new can be intimidating. We admit indoor skydiving for kids is no different, but there is a way to mitigate that intimidation factor. We suggest simply arriving a bit early to watch others before your child’s first flight. Seeing others their age enjoying the activity can do a great deal to help your progeny progress from unsure to certainly excited. Plus, the rewards definitely outweigh what is only the potential for a bit of initial trepidation.

Championing a bit of nerves can be just the thing a kid needs to help reaffirm that they can do anything they set their mind to! Opportunities like this to instill confidence are definitely worthwhile, and as a plus for you, the benefits of the positive social-emotional development attained from confidence boosting activities can be seen their whole life through!

2. Entertaining

Whether they are enjoying flying themselves or watching others fly, slip, and do tricks, indoor skydiving is definitely entertaining for kids. What is different than other forms of entertainment like sitting in front of the television is that they can actually get up and join in too.

3. Fit For The Whole Family

In this day and age, with an abundance of ‘smart’ products like phones and tablets filled with apps, it is not difficult to isolate ourselves. Family time where everyone is involved is harder and harder to come by. Even when family members are in the same room, it is likely everyone’s face is buried behind the device of their preference. How refreshing would it be to have the whole family interacting and mutually enjoying an activity? Indoor skydiving is just the thing. Mom, Dad, kids, even Nan and Pop can come together to enjoy the feeling of freefall.

4. Chance To Grow

Indoor skydiving for kids can be their first step into an entirely new and exciting world as they meet other kids, participate in indoor skydiving competitions, and even travel. Indoor skydiving creates a way to encourage healthy social development and growth through something exciting! The opportunity to face fear and challenges in a positive environment is a win-win situation and yet another reason why indoor skydiving is great for kids!

It’s Fun!

Most of all, kids LOVE indoor skydiving because it is fun! The feeling of flying is a type of fun unlike any other. If you need proof, just wait until you see the beaming smile on their face when you surprise them with a trip to visit the Perris Indoor Skydiving wind tunnel!

Ready to bring your kids for an adventure your family will never forget? View rates and packages for first time flyers. We can’t wait to see the looks on their faces when they experience the wonder of flying for the first time!

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